Hope you guys are doing great! We are doing well besides Luis having some pain issues again. I just wanted to share what's been happening at home in the last week or so.
Cousin Alex and Will |
But sometimes even when things are looking good, and he's feeling great- even then, a better treatment can bring some unpleasant surprises for us.
We're quiet use to these unwelcome surprises. I like to call them obstacles and challenges.
One surprise was his leg swelled up again last week- and although it's getting better (as I'm writing this), he did spend all last week upstairs in the room.
We didn't want to put too much pressure on the leg so he kept his cute little behind in our bedroom just playing video games.
The second surprise was the pain he used to have back in October (right before the first nerve block procedure), has come back. We were told that this nerve block can last up to several months or even past a year.
It seems it lasted around 4 months for Luis. It might be time for another visit with Dr. Rohman (aka- Dr. feel good.)
I will keep you guys posted on what's next, if there will be another nerve block. It might be a false alarm.
Until next time......have a blessed night.