Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Hi everyone,

It's been about three weeks since his bile duct surgery and I must say, other than the pain issue (near the wound), he was doing good at home. The only concern was to get his pain under control. But when his nurse came over yesterday to change the bandage, things took a turn on a different direction.

Yesterday, I had to bring him to the treatment center because the pain became worse, right after his nurse left our home. And then he noticed his J tube was leaking also.

His nurse (Bryan) came by yesterday to change the bandage. We thought he must have disturbed the whole wound because right after, the pain worsened. That bandage was really glued to his skin and looked pretty painful as Brian removed it.

So as we're waiting in the hospital room, we realize the bile duct bag had no liquid in it. And soon learned that the biliary tube that was connected to his bile duct had moved from its original location. They kept him over night, and told us he would need to go under again to put the tube back where it should be. At this point his in so much pain that all I can say to him is that he's in good care and God is guiding us in every step. And he's also blessing the hands of the nurses and doctors.

They just called me and told me that everything is okay- and all they had to do is pull the tube out, straighten it, and push it back in. Yes! God is working miracles in my life everyday. And I am grateful.

He's on his way back upstairs, so I will let you guys go. Sending much blessings to you all. :o) 


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